あなたのコトバが あなたをだます/日本語道場2020


E63/ EIKAIWA ; Japanese poor environment on languages ;serial comment.

★ Again, let's practice to increase your vocabulary with reference to articles in English.
Sentences were so simple, the terms might be hard to understand. If you read them aloud ten times or more, you can get used to the words.
When using the dictionary, please use the Dictionary of English always, not English-Japanese Dictionary.

Wedn. Feb. 24,2010 (The Daily Yomiuri)

イメージ 1

'Golden couple'
Canada's Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir perform in the free program of the ice dance event at the Vancouver Winter Olympics on Monday, winning the first gold medal in ice dance for a non-European team.

Simple English work well.
A little language goes a long way.