あなたのコトバが あなたをだます/日本語道場2020


E118 日本語やめて English(英会話) / A Little Language Goes a Long Way

イメージ 1

from the front page of "Why do people laugh at creationists*?" in YOU TUBE.

"Why do people laugh at creationists?"( part 27 )
uploaded on 9 Jan. 2009.  This video is copyright free for educational purpose.
Fell free to mirror these video with or without accreditation*.

Part of a series of videos exposing the funny stupidity of creationists and why 
they deserve* to be laughed at.   In each case the creationist statements are shown 
to be outrageously stupid by even the worst rudimentary* knowledge of science.

Here the obscene* hypocrisy* of Venomfang* 
( AKA poster boy for creationist stupidity(PCS)) is highlighted.
Stating how 'limited' he thinks scientific naturalism is while enjoying
the standard near heavenly standard of life that scientific naturalism allows.
This looks particularly obscene when it is contrasted* with his theological*
beliefs that 'amputees* don't deserve their arms, we  deserve to die'.

definition in Wikipedia and OALD ( Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary ) etc.

*creationist; noun. a believer in Creationism  according to the Biblical myth. 
>Creationism is the religious belief that the Universe and life originated 
"from specific acts of divine creation."   For young Earth creationists, 
this includes a biblical literalists interpretation. ( from Wikipedia )

*accreditation; noun. Official approval given by an organization stating that 
sb/sth has achieved a required standard. OALD 

*deserve; verb. to have a right to; be one that ought to get. [This question deserves more discussion.  You deserve a scolding.] WNWCD(Webster's New World Children's Dictionary)

*rudimentary; adj.  1( formal ) dealing with only the most basic matters or ideas.
SYN: BASIC.  2( technical ) not highly or fully developed. SYN: BASIC.

*obscene; adj. 1 connected with sex in a way that most people find offensive.
2 extremely large in size or amount in a way that most people find unacceptable
 and offensive. OALD 

*hypocrisy; noun. ( disapproving ) behavior in which sb pretends to have moral 
standards or opinion that they do not actually have. OALD 

*Venomfang; Venomfang was a green dragon who made his lair in 
an old wizard's tower in the ruins of Thundertree village. 
After killing the giant spiders infesting the tower, Venomfang decided to 
lie low for a time. ( from WIKIA's site)

*contrasted/contrast; noun. 1 a difference between two or more people or 
things that you can see clearly when they are compared or put close together ;
 the fact of comparing two or more things in order to show the differences between them.
2 a person or thing that is clearly different from sb/sth else. OALD 

*theological/theology; noun. 1 the study of religion and beliefs.  
2 a set of religious beliefs. OALD 

*amputees; noun. a person who has had an arm or a leg amputated.
amputate; verb. To cut off sb's arm, leg or finger in a medical operation. OALD