あなたのコトバが あなたをだます/日本語道場2020


E/65 EIKAIWA ; Japanese poor environment on languages ;serial comment.

The U.S. government spying on the communication of not only many citizens but also so many VIPs of foreign countries, is the act of commonplace. Because, USA is the only police of the world on our planet.

イメージ 1

BBC NEWS 27. Oct. 2013
The US has been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone since 2002, according to a report in Der Spiegel magazine.
The German publication claims to have seen secret documents from the National Security Agency which show Mrs Merkel's number on a list dating from 2002 - before she became chancellor.

The New York Times / 28. Oct. 2013
MADRID ― The Spanish government summoned the American ambassador on Monday to address allegations that the National Security Agency collected data on millions of telephone calls in Spain.
: Reporters and Editors
Adding to a spying scandal that includes France, Germany, Brazil and Mexico, two Spanish newspapers reported Monday that the agency collected data on 60 million telephone calls.