あなたのコトバが あなたをだます/日本語道場2020


E79 / Poor environment on language learning in Japan ; serial comment.

The public information for the TV program of ZDF on 7 March 2014.

Warning: if you are not in a good mood, these are not the best documentaries to look at. You will be faced with the fact that the scenario of a nuclear Apocalypse was not only our biggest fear last year, but could still be ahead of us. So better to have a drink and relax, and look at it as if it was some sort of disaster movie for entertainment. Indeed, they do share some tricks of those sorts of documentaries: the rather dramatic tone of the music and the voiceover keep up the suspense. Beyond these clich? they are worth watching.

Don't forget. Tonight 23:15 #zdfzoom "Die Fukushima Luge" Everything under Control? #zdf #Fukushima #Japan #nuclear